hello i have an error with apt-get update
i have this error message

Err :9 http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/debian kali-rolling Release
404 Not Found [IP : 80]
Atteint :7 http://ftp.free.fr/pub/kali kali-rolling InRelease
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/cnf-update-db", line 27, in <module>
File "/usr/share/command-not-found/CommandNotFound/db/creator.py", line 95, in create
File "/usr/share/command-not-found/CommandNotFound/db/creator.py", line 143, in _fill_commands
self._parse_single_contents_file(con, f, fp.stdout)
File "/usr/share/command-not-found/CommandNotFound/db/creator.py", line 239, in _parse_single_contents_file
l = l.decode("utf-8")
UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xed in position 15: invalid continuation byte
Lecture des listes de paquets... Fait
E: Le d?p?t http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/debian kali-rolling Release n'a pas de fichier Release.
N: Les mises ? jour depuis un tel d?p?t ne peuvent s'effectuer de mani?re s?curis?e, et sont donc d?sactiv?es par d?faut.
N: Voir les pages de manuel d'apt-secure(8) pour la cr?ation des d?p?ts et les d?tails de configuration d'un utilisateur.
E: Problem executing scripts APT::Update::Post-Invoke-Success 'if /usr/bin/test -w /var/lib/command-not-found/ -a -e /usr/lib/cnf-update-db; then /usr/lib/cnf-update-db > /dev/null; fi'
E: Sub-process returned an error code

if someone can help me this will be so kind
happy neww year to all of you