Kali users, developers, et alia:

I have a General Dynamics (Itronix) GD-8200 with Kali Linux (GNOME) installed thereupon. I am interested in being able to close the lid and have Kali Linux remain persistently running absent any suspending or hibernating taking place thereafter.

First let me set forth that I have read the thread: https://forums.kali.org/showthread.p...-close-actions

I tried effectuating the ideas depicted in the aforementioned thread using first "=ignore" and then trying "=kexec" but neither stood preventative to the laptop going into a suspend mode succeeding a closure of the lid. In fact after re-opening the lid dmesg messages show "PM: suspend exited." as one of its messages, thus providing clear and convincing evidence that the laptop had suspended (and not hibernated as I was not sure which was becoming occurring). Now, the above referenced thread is indeed from 2015 and well, this is 2022, so perhaps the veracity of its assertions are no longer persistent and the instantiation of a new more current resolution is requisite. As such, I promulgate my query as to how I can cause Kali to remain running notwithstanding a lid closure on my GD-8200.

Let me state my appreciation in advance to any and all parties that respond with constructive assistance to the instant matter.
