I have looked and looked and still can't find any help so I thought I'd ask! I've been using Kali for the best part of 2 years and decided to give Nethunter a go.

Got myself a Nexus 5+, installed

  • twrp-3.6.2_9-0-bullhead.img
  • lineage-15.1-20220321-UNOFFICIAL-bullhead (rebooted after install)
  • Magisk-v25.2 (rebooted and verify app)

Got it rooted OK with Magisk, checked with Root Checker Basic.

So far so good.

Now I boot back into TWRP and try flashing:

  • nethunter-2022.2b-bullhead-oreo-kalifs-full

Which gets me to boot and the flaming Kali logo, then after 30 mins I'm still looking at it!

I also tried wiping it all and flashing the first three again then tried a different flavor of Nethunter and tried to flash:

  • nethunter-generic-armhf-kalifs-full-rolling-2019.03-13-0514
  • kernel-nethunter-bullhead-nougat-2019.03-13-0514 (I realise this is nougat and lineage 15.1 is Android 8.1 Oreo but thought it was worth a shot)

For a 3rd attempt I wiped and installed factory official 8.1 Oreo, then TWRP, then Magisk (same version as above), then the Nethunter directly from Nethunter.

AND as a last ditch attempt I wiped and installed factory official 8.1 Oreo, then TWRP, then Magisk.... THEN I transferred to internal storage:

  • KaliNethunter-v8.2(22).zip
  • kalifs-full.tar.xz

Then with Magisk I installed KaliNethunter-v8.2(22).zip, rebooted and opened the Nethunter app and used Kali Chroot Manager, however 'apt-get updates', 'apt-get install firmware-atheros' and 'ifconfig wlan1' doesn't work and it's just keeps giving me the error it's outdated plus it doesn't feel as baked in as if I was flashing it via TWRP!?

Soooooooo can anyone point me in the right direction of how to get this done please?

A lot of XDA posts are outdated or contain broken links.

I will caveat and say that this is not my everyday phone and understand the roms are not patched to the latest.

Thank you