Good Evening all,

I'm trying to build a custom ISO/Live disk by following the documentation here

This works fine for a standard image and also if I edit the package lists so all good there. The issue I have is I'm trying to include Nessus in an image but it does not seem to work.

I created the following folder structure:

└─# tree variant-tvm
├── hooks
│ └── live
│ └── remove-bloat-from-recommended-packages.chroot
├── package-lists
│ └── kali.list.chroot
└── packages.chroot
└── nessus.deb

(the variant-tvm is a exact copy of the variant-xfc4 folder)

When I first tried this I got an error that the Nessus package was not compliant so I have since repackaged it as per this

However when i run

./ --variant=tvm --verbose

it compiles etc fine and I don't see any errors but when booting the image to the live image Nessus has not been installed.

Maybe I'm doing something wrong? I followed this specifically 0x06 where it shows how to add the package.

Can someone please help? been bagging my head against the wall trying to make this work for 3 days. I can see that the package does get copied to the config/packages folder when i run the build script.

Thanks in advance, and if I'm doing something stupid then do feel free to point it out