hello, I have some problem with program - chntpw.
I have 2 notebooks with installed KaliLinux 1.0.2 x32 and x64 updated and upgraded.
The version of chntpw is 0.99.6 -last.
I tried to use chntpw in interactive mode (-i) on two notebooks and can't use it. I start the program: choose "1" - Edit users, then choose needet user,
then type - "1" - clear password, then I need to quit and save changes to hev files, but programm can't quit. I have a loop.
I also try to boot from KaliLinux Live CD - same problem, but when I have booted from BackTrack 5 R3 - All working good and I reset user pass in my both Windows 7 (x32 and x64).
I try to purge and then install chntpw - did't help.
Is it only my problem?
Any ideas?