First off I did some reading, I do not want to mess up my kali install as it is dual booting with windows great and everything is working great now except for when I do an apt-get install.....I get errors which I believe has something to do with my original install and or the partitions I manually made before installing the OS's. I get this sort of error...

E: Unable to locate package qbittorrent.

seems like it would be a simple thing like pointing kali to look at a certain location for the package it downloaded, instead of the default maybe. I just don't want to mess it up real bad. When I installed I did not have internet, so it did not update automatically at that point.....

I link or hint in the right direction would be long as its fool I am very new and I am trying to make this my only os by years end....

When I had backtrack installed, it never got that error, the only differences were internet was connected during install and I only had one partition..
