Before anyone says anything, yes, I have consulted the Google Gods. Nearly every search result was in regards to Kali freezing during the installation process, this is after installation.

I have 64bit Kali Linux installed on an Asus VivoBook Q200E, after some minor user-related installation issues, a new/fresh install went flawlessly.

The issue is pretty basic, it just randomly freezes/hangs, and I have to do a hard reset to get it working again. At first it seemed to be happening within 10 or so minutes after I logged in, so I just tailed pretty much every log in the /var/log directory, and waited for it to hang, thus (in theory) showing the a message in one of the log files related to whats causing it to hang, but then it never froze!

I thought maybe it had something to do with it going into idle, because the first couple times it happened, I was distracted and watching TV, thus it went without any movement for a little bit. So I booted it up, logged in, and let it go into idle multiple times... never hung.

I thought that maybe it happened when there was a specific process running, but after further troubleshooting, that has nothing to do with it.

Thinking that maybe it was just something running in the background that would hang it for a bit, and I would just have to be patient, I would wait for it to freeze, then wait a long while to see if it would come back, never did. (Longest I waited was it froze in the morning, I went to work, and it was still hung when I got back)

So basically... I just cant figure out whats causing it to hang. I can't find anything in any of the messages in /var/log/*, I installed SAR to see if it was related to resource usage, and its not.... And all though this is a little embarrassing to admit (Im a lvl2 Linux Engineer)... I don't even know where else to start looking. I do mostly code and server management/automation, I try to stay away from the desktop distros of Linux, so I don't have a terrible amount of troubleshooting when it comes to this kinda thing.

Any help or pointers would be greatly appreciated. Doesn't have to be a guess to an answer or anything, just even some tips on trying to diagnose it. If you want/need any log messages or anything to assist, just ask!
