HI guys

one of the reasons i switched to kali is to be able to upgrade without reinstalling the distro .

I'm trying to upgrade kali to the latest version with these commands

apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade

I can see that some of the software are updated when their updates are available . but for the whole distro it doesn't show anything that newly released with it .

for example in the change log of ver 1.0.5 there a GNU radio app in wireless attacks tab . but I can't see it here

when I do lsb_release -a I get this
Distributor ID:	Debian
Description:	Debian GNU/Linux Kali Linux 1.0
Release:	Kali Linux 1.0
Codename:	n/a
so apparently after many upgrade I'm still on ver 1.0
I checked the source list it'll normal .
please how can I fix this I looked for a solution enough I didn't get any .