Hey all,

During my adventures of getting Kali working on my SS808 I ran into a lot of snags, and there doesn't seem to be very much information on getting newer versions of Kali Linux functioning on this platform. So hopefully I can post this and help some people in the future. There are already a number of threads with unanswered questions that I think this post will address. Knowing these things would have saved me a LOT of time, so I'm hoping it saves you some!

The first thing you will probably notice when trying to install Kali linux is that the kernel.img is nowhere to be found. The kernel.img seems to only be part of the ss808 1.0 files. So you will need to get it from there.
The second important thing which is not detailed in the instructions is that when you place Kali on your memory stick, SD card, whatever... that partition must be named 'linuxroot', if it is not, it will not boot!
The third thing you'll want to know is that the current (as of today) 1.0.6 image does not work! It will run once, and after you reboot the device, it will no longer function! I'm unsure why that is at this point (I haven't done enough digging into the issue), but for now I'm using 1.0.5...

I have a handful of follow up issues of my own I hope to address over the next few weeks...
Getting the on-board wireless working...
Getting a USB wireless NIC functioning (AWUS036NHR)
Getting the on-board bluetooth working
Getting an external GPS module working