Hello all. I tried posting something a couple/few days ago, but I don't think it went through. I was wondering if anyone could help me with this. All I want to do is get my Alfa AWUS036H card working with Kali Linux in this VirtualBox. I installed everything to run the system, install Guest Additions, installed headers, but when I plug my card in ifconfig doesn't recognize it, nor does lsusb. I've tried adding a New Filter, leaving it alone, and also tried adding the actual Realtek filter and taking everything out except the name as well as leaving it alone. It seems though where my real problem is, is that I just cannot get it to recognize the card, or more importantly mounting it. Getting down to the nitty-gritty though so to speak this is the error code I am receiving. "Failed to attach the USB device Manufacturer_Realtek_RTL8187_RTL8187_Wireless[0100] to the virtual machine Kali Linux. USB device 'Manufacturer_Realtek_RTL8187_RTL8187_Wireless' with UUID {dcdae740-89ec-4241-bd19-875eb1cb9ca1} is busy with a previous request. Please try again later. When I click details I get this: Result Code:E_INVALIDARG (0x80070057) Component:HostUSBDevice Interface: IHostUSBDevice {173b4b44-d268-4334-a00d-b6521c9a740a} Callee: IConsole {8ab7c520-2442-4b66-8d74-4ff1e195d2b6} I was told that this could be related to the host not letting go of the device therefore the guest can't capture it but even the state of the device says captured, just don't know if it's saying the guest has it, or the host. I would greatly appreciate any help I can get, and greatly appreciate the time spent by anyone to read this and reply to me. Also I have seen this problem many places and have tried many things which nothing has worked to solve. My friend who is great with computers has also confirmed the same thing. Any suggestions or additional info would be again greatly appreciated. Thanks.