Hi I am having a problem installing Kali and can't find a solution anywhere.
So I downloaded the latest Kali amd64 ISO and wanted to install it to a USB instead of adding persistence with the persistence.conf method.
The problem is that once it gets to the installing system part it takes hours and I mean really a long time. I left it once for 8 hours and it wasn't even at 50%.
I tried with encryption and then without thinking that was the problem, no change. I tried it in different computers and on virtual machines, even different USB ports. I also tested the USB on windows thinking it was reaching the end of it's write cycle and was loosing speed but windows can write all its blocks at full speed.

So I'm wondering if the current version of Kali has any known problems with the USB driver or if anyone has had this problem.

Oh my USB is a PNY 16GB.