This script has come in handy as of today. Just wanted to share. Its a python script that has the following functions-

This has worked well with a lot of those boot 2 root VM's from Vulnhub.

Find SETUID Flagged Files
Check chkconfig (REL, OEL, CENTOS)
Find SSH files possibly containing keys
Local wifi scan with a geolocation used based on ssid’s found (Uses google, based on Metasploit module)
Options for persistent or non-persistent backdoors and reverse shell
set up Netcat file server to get files off the system
Fork bomb to crash the system (No one wants to ‘shutdown -h now’ a system!)
Start a python HTTP server
Use Netcat for a simple portscanner
Set up iptables to use machine as a pivot into the network to attack other machines
Use tcpdump to dump network traffic
Dump shadow file
Blitz log files
Check current network connections
Allows you to use ‘-a’ flag to run in automatic mode and will enumerate the machine all output put in /tmp/sys-info. Some
And more!!!

Sorry if this isnt the thread for this but, just wanted to share!