I've recently switched from Ubuntu to Kali linux, and immediately installed the Proprietary Drivers. They installed fine however there are some issues that I don't seem to be able to work out.

First of all, the scaling of the monitors is off. This is pretty typical and easily fixed by moving the scale bar in the catalyst control center, however there seems to be none! In the ubuntu installation there was a sliding bar that you could scale the desktop size to fit your monitor, however that isn't there on the kali installtion. I dug around a bit and managed to find some aticonfig commands that fix the issue for me;

aticonfig --set-dispattrib=dfp6,positionX:0
aticonfig --set-dispattrib=dfp6,positionY:0
aticonfig --set-dispattrib=dfp6,sizeX:1920
aticonfig --set-dispattrib=dfp6,sizey:1080
aticonfig --set-dispattrib=dfp7,positionX:0
aticonfig --set-dispattrib=dfp7,positionY:0
aticonfig --set-dispattrib=dfp7,sizeX:1920
aticonfig --set-dispattrib=dfp7,sizey:1080

When I run these commands from the terminal they fix the display offset, however when I reboot all the configuration is gone and the monitor goes back to having a black border around it like this;

photo 3.JPG

But whenever I run those commands (I put it in to a script) the screen goes back to normal. I've gone into the xorg.conf file and the coordinates for the desktops in there are exactly how they should be, but whenever I boot my computer they are off.

I've also been having trouble with the cursor, it keeps glitching out and going into some sort of a derivation of the block cursor. I've had this problem with Ubuntu but not nearly as often as with Kali. Heres a picture of what the cursor looks like;

photo 2.JPG

The problem occurs when I move my cursor between my two monitors, it will occasionally deform into that stripy block and I have to reboot in order to fix it. It seems to be a problem with the driver but I dont' know how to fix it.

There is also a problem with the screen when I reboot. Whenever I try to restart my computer it ends up glitching out and I have to do a hard-reset every time. Heres a picture of what it looks like;

photo 1.JPG

The drivers are just acting really glitchy and I don't really know where to begin to fix them. If anyone has any advice on what to do, anything helps.