• Kali version 1.0.9a
  • Installing from USB

Hey, thanks for having me on your forums! I'm trying to install Kali Linux alongside Windows 7, but I chickened out partway through. While I have some experience with CentOS, I've never dual-booted anything before.

I looked through the How-to's here and the official guide, but I couldn't find anything that fit my situation. Here's the guide I followed initially:


Using an 8GB usb drive and Unetbootin, I got pretty far. After reaching the Unetbootin menu screen, I was unable to select the "Default" option (that led to a black screen) so I chose "Install with speech synthesis". I had some issues with my wireless card needing non-free firmware, but I resolved that. However, I'm using ethernet since I couldn't get past the wifi key exchange (apparently an issue for many).

I'm now staring at the Partition Disks menu and am at a loss for what to select. I followed the guide instructions and shrunk the volume by 30GB with Disk Management, but I'm concerned that selecting my hard drive will just format the entire thing. I have nothing on this laptop that was worth backing it up, but I'd rather not have to re-install Windows 7.

Any and all help is appreciated.