
I was running a HDD install 64bit Kali (vers 1.1.0)
And now I run a 64bit Kali Live cd youst to write this post (same cd as used to install)

When i heard about the 2.0 Update i saved all my data to a External HDD to be save in a case like this
To Upgrade I followed the steps on this website >> https://www.kali.org/releases/kali-linux-20-released/

after restarting everything looked all right (Bios screen Grub Menue) but instead of the login screen there is youst black and a white blinking coursor (top Left)
all the Terminals tty 1 > 7 are up and running i can log in in my accounts and all files and directorzs are acessable

Anz help or suggestions are very apreciated

Thank you for any help