Hey all,

I'm setting up some Raspberry Pi 2 devices for the purposes of rogue acccess point detection.
So far so good, I've installed kismet on the Pis and can run kismet_drone and have them report back to another kismet server off-box.

My set up.
Raspberry Pi 2 - setup with the custom Kali Linux 2.0 image. - ALFA AWUS051NH v2 USB WIFI NICs
ESXi guest - setup from scratch using Kali Linux 2.0 ISO

So far, so good.

However the problem occurs when I attempt to daemonize the kismet_drone binary to launch on boot.
I have attempted to add it as a a direct entry in both a @reboot crontab job and an entry in /etc/rc.local.
I have also attempted to pass full args in the command (eg. /usr/bin/kismet_drone -s -c wlan0:type=rt2800usb -f /etc/kismet/kismet_drone.conf --daemonize )
I've also attempted to stop the wlan0 adaptor, put it into monitor mode, restart it and then launch kismet_drone in a shell script via both of the startup options above.

When I reboot the external Kismet server appears to connect to the drones however no data is received even though the connection is established.
If I run the script / command when logged into the machine however it works.

The only odd behavour I can see from the output is that I get the following messages:
INFO: Bringing down primary interface 'wlan0' to prevent wpa_supplicant and NetworkManager from trying to configure it.
Followed by cannot connect to wlan0mon - the interface is not up
Then finally, restarting wlan0

Then everything kicks in. Perhaps this isnt happening when I daemonize it?

Occasionally I will get: Source 'wlan0' : channel get ioctl failed 22:Invlaid argument.
Restarting (with the wlan0mon having already been created) works. Perhaps this is whats happening on daemon launch, no idea.

Any gurus out there with any ideas? Thanks very much in advance.