Greetings comrades,

I hope this is posted in the right section of the forums, but this is a "tools" question, which seems to fit best into "General Use".

I am trying to reverse engineer the protocols of a certain wireless device (a drone) and hack it for a cyber security project. It seems that Wireshark only shows packets with destination and source IP addresses and not just random wireless data/traffic (probably because it is everywhere and would crowd the screen when going after wifi).

I know for a fact this device is 2.4GHz, but I need to see non-wifi data or find some other tool to utilize my wireless hardware to sniff the air. I'm struggling on what to google, but have tried a lot and it keeps returning wifi sniffing which is not what I'm after, despite including "non wifi" or "-wifi" in my search query. In the end we will also be transmitting from the attacking machine to the drone (MITM attack of sorts) and overriding the legitimate user, but we can worry about coding that later. If anyone on here knows what I should be looking for or can point me in the right direction that would be great!