
I am totally new to this forum and made this account to ask a question. I've been Googling for the past 2 hours but I coudn't find anything like my case.
I have to mention I'm a complete noob when it comes to Linux.
So to my problem. I've installed Kali(last version) with disk encryption on my laptop. The installation was successful and I ran Kali from the GRUB menu and the first issue happened. I don't remember the exact error, but it was something regarding partitions. I solved it with:

cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sda5 sda1_crypt
(enter password)
lvm vgchange -ay
After that I logged in and all was good. After next system reboot I had to enter these commands again. To skip this I found this solution to make the above commands persistent:

//This is how I edited the crypttab file

blkid /dev/sda1
//copy the UUID to crypttab
nano /etc/crypttab
insert new line: sda1_crypt UUID=2cfee723-b12a-49e1-8c1d-a481112c12d0 none luks
//and finaly
update-initramfs -u
So after all this I rebooted my laptop, ran Kali from GRUB and now I'm being asked for my password for the encrypted disk. I've entered the same password as before but it says it is not the correct password. Also tried my root account password, but hasn't work either. So yeah, at this point I'm kind of f****d because I can't boot ANYTHING from USB or access BIOS (I guess it's for security reasons because of the enabled encryption?).

I think I made a mistake editing the crypttab file, like choosing the wrong partition?

If anyone has any idea how to solve this without throwing out the hdd(which, btw, I can't even get out because the screws are all messed up), I would greatly appreciate it.

Thanks in advance!