I'm new to this forum and at first I have to say sorry, if this thread is posted in the wrong category.

Here is my Problem,
after I installed Kali nethunter for my Oneplus One for CM12.1, everytime when I try to stream a video (for example on vimeo), the stream seems to start, but I only can see the first few frames and then it stops.
When I go to another point of the video, it plays the next 3 or 4 frames and then it stops again. Everything without sound!!
Here are a few details:
Oneplus One 16GB
Version: 12.1-yog4pas1n0
Kali nethunter installed without multirom.
TWRP installed, phone rooted.
Videos on youtube for example are working perfectly.

If you need any more information about my problem, please let me know.
I hope someone can help me.

Thanks in advance.