
I've tried several different approaches to bring up a Kali system, most without success. Here's what I have tried so far:

1 - I tried the VMWare image first. When starting the system, I received a prompt for a userid. The documentation I read only mentioned a possible password of 'toor'. I tried passwords of "Admin" and "Administrator" (also in all lower case) and in the next screen I entered 'toor' but the combinations were alll rejected.

2 - Next I tried building the VMWare image myself from the ISO image. The build appeared to go OK, but I got the same results when trying to run it. During the build, I was asked only for a password, but the one I provided wasn't accepted. During the build, there was no prompt for a userid.

3 - I built a USB key from the ISO image, and that started OK, without prompting for either a userid or password.

I may have missed something in the documentation, but so far my searches have returned nothing.