I have Kali Linux dual-booted with Ubuntu and Windows 10 on my machine. I have two USB network adapters that both work great in Windows 10 and Ubuntu on any network I want to connect to. On Kali Linux, my main WiFi network is apparently not liking Kali too much. When connecting from either of the two adapters, the connection starts out incredibly slow and then eventually just stops working alltogether, even though I am still connected to the network. However, I can connect to and use my phone's WiFi hotspot just fine. So it must be something with the router, then, which is weird because I don't have any probems connecting to and using it at full speeds on any other device or operating system other than Kali. I've tried forgetting the network, restarting, and setting up a static IP address. No addresses or MACs or anything are blocked in my router. So, I don't know what's up. Hopefully someone can help. Thanks in advance.