Here is my night.

Win 8 and Kali on dual boot with GRUB worked perfectly.

I decided to change my partition to get some more space for Kali.

I need to live usb boot to do the changes with gparted, I access to my bios (erase on the blue asus screen) I chose boot usb, then the usb boot and I press enter but suddenly freak out cause I was not sure I chose the correct line for live booting. So I decided to turn off the computer ... Smart move isn't it ?

Since then I do not have "the blue asus screen" to get into BIOS and co(and pressing erase on the black screen at the beginning does nothing), I don't have GRUB anymore, it directly starts Kali (and I don't even have the starting lines, at some point it just prompts the kali login).

My google evening leads me to think that I probably overwrited GRUB and then decided to give a try to Boot Repair. I put the ISO on the USB with rufus but it does not boot automatically when I restart the computer and I cannot access to BIOS so ?

I`ve been pretty stupid these last hours, I`m posting this before going to bed hoping I won't make nightmares and having some hopes for tmr morning.

Thank you guys