
I´m new around here and I´m having a weird problem, so I decided to give it a try with you guys.

Yesterday, I ran the Kali VB image that I downloaded from this web on my MacBook Pro to test how it works. Well, everything was allright, I´ve been testing a bit my routers at home to see if I was able to get the passwords and everything went fine.

I used airmon, airodump, aircrack to capture a few handshakes in my 2 different routers. It worked.

So I decided to install Kali in dual boot with my MacOS, but then after all the installation, I can´t get the same results with the same 2 routers I tried yesterday.

The WiFi cards I use are detected, I can connect to an AP, I can enable monitor mode, but I have a weird problem now.

When I airodump to an AP, I can´t see any of the clients, when I try to use reaver, it can´t associate with the router, if I try to capture handshakes, it simply doesn´t work.

Might this be related with the drivers? I mean, some drivers that come in the Kali VB image that doesn´t come in the Installation I´m using now? Both installations were downloaded from the Kali website.
In case its a driver problem, is it possible to get the drivers that come in that VB image and install them in my dual boot installation?

Any help would be much appreciated,

Thanks in advance,
