Hi , I have a problem with my Kali Linux (I'm running it in VirtualBox for Windows10) I would really like you to help me because I’m stuck in this situation (I posted a lot of pictures to show you perfectly what is the problem)

Well,this is important : I'm following a course on the web, which I paid, to explain how to begin to use Kali , and also gives information about the meaning of the commands. It's really interesting for a beginner, totally ignorant about that field as me, and I would like to continue this course, but right now I'm stuck in this situation.

As you can see in the pics, when I turn Kali on FOR THE FIRST TIME there is an already existing wired connection, DIFFERENTLY FROM THE TUTORLIALS I'M FOLLOWING (where the connection is not present yet , but I have to set it up manually, by setting my bridge adapter in VBox network settings and then make some modifies in NetworkManager.conf file): http://imgur.com/a/LwFuh

The Network settings in my Virtual Machine are the following (I set up a Bridged Network, because SUGGESTED from the tutorials) : http://imgur.com/PsobScr (there are a lot of names, I don’t know which one to pick up, I guess I must pick the name of my wireless card, which is the AVASTAR wireless shown in the picture)

The IPCONFIG /ALL in my windows 10 is the following (I guess this can make ideas more clear, so I post it to help you understand) : http://imgur.com/a/Egh88
Well , said that, if I try to continue with the installation shown in the video tutorial , I go to NetworkManager folder , and with the nano text editor I edit the NetworkManager.conf file and change from FALSE to TRUE the " managed " value . I don't really know why that, but the tutorials show that so I do it.

Then I save the modify ,and I write “ service network” but I CAN’T CONTINUE with the other steps shown in the videos becuase it says " network : unrecognized service " (it doesn't happen in the videos) : http://imgur.com/UEdxVEq

Then , even after what described above, even after all the problems I had just described, I try to continue with the installation , I check the sources.list file and this is what there’s written : http://imgur.com/6ETbWiY And then I try to write apt-get update && apt-get upgrade but NOTHING happens , there are no changes, no packages installed , no changes done.

The last problem I have is that I can’t surf the internet, it’s stuck to “ connecting “ , as shown in the pic : http://imgur.com/TY1o4ap , BUT, if I write " ping google.com " in the terminal , it actually works. I don't really know what is the problem.

By the way, I don't know if it's important or not, but during the installation I clicked NO to " Use network mirror " option , because the guy said that once done the installation, we are going to make all the updates from there.
I don't know if I managed to explain the problems I'm having , I know that I'm referring to some videos that you haven't watched and can't watch, but I hope the problem is understandable and simple to solve.