Ive now been installing Kali like 6-8 times. Every time i get it installed and fix up the settings a bit. Update and such I get an error after next boot..
It will say somthing like Uh Oh somthing went wrong and a on a computer screen. Only button is Log Out.

I have NO idea why this is happening. It seems that once in a while i can kill the computer and reboot into gnome again but then the Programs and Places text are black thus invissible. I can still click on them.
All the menus will use scrolling as if they had too many items to be shown. Even though they obviously dont.

Does anyone else have these problems and is there an actual fix for this ? Ill guess its either gnome or GDM messing up somthing ?

I dont suppose its cause i made another user to use instead of root (the other user is admin group as well)