
my question is related to encrypted USB device with Kali.
I made upgrade and it was long process, 9 hours, even I used Internet at the University, 100Mb/S.

therefore, I wanted to do benchmark of USB. I chose menu for Disks (/dev/sdb3), there is an option select USB and to do benchmark (write/read) of some partition,

but now when I start/boot Kali from my USB, even if I select encrypted option, I don't get the option to type password, it means I can boot Kali only in normal mode, not in encrypted mode.

when I am logged in, I try to chose encrypted partition and this is what I get:
here are tried one more USB, /dev/sdc, but it is the same case, it is listed in terminal but not visible in GUI: https://s28.postimg.org/jkqf9a7vx/terminal.png