Hi everyone. I always spend at least 2 days looking for log entries or similar threads or something that can give me a hint on how to get started but I'm completely at a loss currently. Hopefully someone smarter than myself can help me out.

Quick details;
Oneplus One with Lineage 15.1 + addonSU
Latest BusyBox installed from Play Store
Latest nh-term & nethunter APKs from here: https://github.com/offensive-securit...pdate/data/app
Newest kalifs-armhf-full.xz from here: https://build.nethunter.com/kalifs/kalifs-latest/

Once base system was installed I copied kernel-nethunter-oneplus1-orea-20181030_120958.zip over top (thank you to whoever created that).

Now the oddnesses

1 - The first time I ran an HID attack it worked perfectly, three times. I moved on to an nmap scan of the AP and the phone crashed. Now the HID devices do not show up automatically. I have to manually do a setprop sys.usb.config hid from the androidsu (it doesn't work from kali chroot).

1.1 - If I try to enable the HID devices while the USB is plugged in the phone crashes. If I enable them and then plug the USB in the phone crashes.

2 - As previously stated, trying to do an nmap crashes the phone. Everytime. I've tried doing on over SSH so I have some details after it crashes, but even at debug level 9 all I get is that it's resolved the host and is starting the scan.

3- The Nethunter app goes through its startup process, but doesn't seem to be able to actually start any service on-boot.

Since the phone crashes everytime I have no logs to look at. I've tried wiping it clean and doing everything again and have the same issues. If anyone can give me an idea where to start looking it would be most appreciated.