I am using a SanDisk Ultra USB 3.0 drive and the kali-linux-2019.1a-amd64.iso to make a live USB with persistence in Windows 7 Professional. I have read and followed every tutorial about persistence that's out there. I get Kali on the usb drive, reboot it and it works like a champ. I get the persistence partition created and labeled and formatted but when I make changes to Kali and download a test file it will not save them through a reboot. I have formatted the persistence partition in EXT3 and EXT4 and neither one works. Following the different tutorials I have used Rufus, unetbootin, LinuxLive USB Creator, win32diskimager, the universal usb installer and/or the minitool partition wizard either alone or in some combination as prescribed by whichever tutorial I was following. I am at a loss as to what the problem could be. Is it the brand of usb drive? Am I not holding my mouth right? Do I need to sacrifice something or someone to the god of persistence? I have inserted a graphic from the minitool partition wizard showing the partition table of the flash drive. Thanks in advance.

usb partitions.jpg