Hi, I'm on a Kali USB with Persistence. I also have Kali on VMware with Windows 10 Host. I'm trying to install Mutillidae 2 on my 128GB Live USB. I installed XAMPP but can't get apache running. It says "stopped." The other 2 work. Also, when I enter localhost/mutillidae it takes me to Openvas (localhost:9392.) So I uninstalled Openvas and now it says "problem loading page" and can't connect (can't connect to localhost.) So how do I connect to Mutillidae? Do I need XAMPP and it's apache running? I'm attaching screenshots. I also tried installing a second time using a video on YouTube. I downloaded Mutillidae on Sourceforge, unzipped, copied folder "mutillidae" to /opt/lampp/htdocs. Still can't connect. The first time I installed I used folder /var/www/html. mutiliidae folder is unzipped and in that folder. So how do I install Mutillidae? Please reply. Thanks
