Hi, I have Kali 64-bit on VMware and Windows 10 Host. I'm trying Medusa. My question is, does Medusa work with smtps? I'm getting the error:

IMPORTANT: Couldn't load "smtps" [/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/medusa/modules/smtps.mod: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory]. Place the module in the medusa directory, set the MEDUSA_MODULE_NAME environment variable or run the configure script again using --with-default-mod-path=[path].
invokeModule failed - see previous errors for an explanation

SSH and works fine. (I'm guessing most the others work too.) So how do I get it to run smtps? Can I download "medusa/modules/smtps.mod" and copy it to Medusa? Or what's the PATH? I'm not sure how that works. Please reply. Thanks