Good day, everyone,

Was hoping someone can assist me with a issue im facing.

I am studying cyber sec through Zsecurity and attempted to create a go/meterpreter/reverse_https & other payloads using the veil framework to test if I can hack my own computer from the kali virtual machine.
For some reason the payload gets executed on the victim system but does not create a meterpreter session.

After reading every guide I could possibly find, I just cannot figure out what the problem is.
There are no anti virus/firewalls running on the victim computer and the payload was sent through using a file transfer service.

Is this issue due to the kali running on a VM on the same machine as the victim, might it be a closed port error or do you think the file transfer service is blocking/editing the reverse shell for safety reasons?
The other probable cause is that the kali is running on normal "NAT" connection and not "NAT NETWORK".

I've tried pinging the kali machine but cannot ping it and receive a timeout error, furthermore the kali machine refuses to upload files to websites like "" in order to test payloads against anti-virusses.

If anyone can help me in figuring out where my issue is it will be greatly appreciated! ^_^