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Thread: PyCharm Icon is not appearing under Applications on Kali OS

  1. #1

    PyCharm Icon is not appearing under Applications on Kali OS

    PyCharm Icon is not appearing under Applications

    Each time when I am trying to open PyCharm I am going to Downloads then to the folder pycharm-community-2022.1.3 and then to bin folder. Choosing the bin folder I am right clicking on it and selecting the option "open terminal here". Then this is coming : [~/Downloads/pycharm-community-2022.1.3/bin] $ and then I am issuing a command which is ./
    Then the terminal is continuing with certain responses (it is keeping the same way - (I have pasted the response below) and it is continuing and the PyCharm application is opening. But the moment I am closing the terminal the PyCharm is also getting closed. Why ?? Any solution

    Terminal response ---
    Picked up _JAVA_OPTIONS: -Dawt.useSystemAAFontSettings=on -Dswing.aatext=true
    2022-08-01 02:47:03,712 [ 10100] WARN - #c.i.i.SystemHealthMonitor - issue detected: vm.options.env.vars (ignored)
    2022-08-01 02:47:05,639 [ 12027] WARN - #c.i.o.a.i.ActionManagerImpl - keymap "Visual Studio" not found PluginDescriptor(name=IDEA CORE, id=com.intellij, descriptorPath=plugin.xml, path=~/Downloads/pycharm-community-2022.1.3/lib, version=221.5921.27,, isBundled=true)
    2022-08-01 02:47:05,737 [ 12125] WARN - #c.i.o.a.i.ActionManagerImpl - keymap "Eclipse" not found PluginDescriptor(name=IDEA CORE, id=com.intellij, descriptorPath=plugin.xml, path=~/Downloads/pycharm-community-2022.1.3/lib, version=221.5921.27,, isBundled=true)
    2022-08-01 02:47:05,739 [ 12127] WARN - #c.i.o.a.i.ActionManagerImpl - keymap "NetBeans 6.5" not found PluginDescriptor(name=IDEA CORE, id=com.intellij, descriptorPath=plugin.xml, path=~/Downloads/pycharm-community-2022.1.3/lib, version=221.5921.27,, isBundled=true)
    2022-08-01 02:47:05,747 [ 12135] WARN - #c.i.o.a.i.ActionManagerImpl - keymap "Visual Studio" not found PluginDescriptor(name=IDEA CORE, id=com.intellij, descriptorPath=plugin.xml, path=~/Downloads/pycharm-community-2022.1.3/lib, version=221.5921.27,, isBundled=true)
    2022-08-01 02:47:06,084 [ 12472] WARN - #c.i.o.a.i.ActionManagerImpl - keymap "Eclipse" not found PluginDescriptor(name=Python Community Edition, id=PythonCore, descriptorPath=plugin.xml, path=~/Downloads/pycharm-community-2022.1.3/plugins/python-ce, version=221.5921.27, package=null, isBundled=true)
    2022-08-01 02:47:06,085 [ 12473] WARN - #c.i.o.a.i.ActionManagerImpl - keymap "NetBeans 6.5" not found PluginDescriptor(name=Python Community Edition, id=PythonCore, descriptorPath=plugin.xml, path=~/Downloads/pycharm-community-2022.1.3/plugins/python-ce, version=221.5921.27, package=null, isBundled=true)
    2022-08-01 02:47:06,398 [ 12786] WARN - #c.i.o.a.i.ActionManagerImpl - keymap "Eclipse" not found PluginDescriptor(name=GitHub, id=org.jetbrains.plugins.github, descriptorPath=plugin.xml, path=~/Downloads/pycharm-community-2022.1.3/plugins/github, version=221.5921.27, package=org.jetbrains.plugins.github, isBundled=true)
    2022-08-01 02:47:06,448 [ 12836] WARN - #c.i.o.a.i.ActionManagerImpl - keymap "Eclipse" not found PluginDescriptor(name=Space,,,, path=~/Downloads/pycharm-community-2022.1.3/plugins/space, version=221.5921.27,, isBundled=true)
    2022-08-01 02:47:09,756 [ 16144] WARN - #c.i.n.i.NotificationGroupManagerImpl - Notification group CodeWithMe is already registered (group=com.intellij.notification.NotificationGroup @405845aa). Plugin descriptor: PluginDescriptor(name=Code With Me, id=com.jetbrains.codeWithMe, descriptorPath=plugin.xml, path=~/Downloads/pycharm-community-2022.1.3/plugins/cwm-plugin, version=221.5921.27, package=null, isBundled=true)
    2022-08-01 02:47:13,957 [ 20345] WARN - #c.i.d.PerformanceWatcherImpl - UI was frozen for 5915ms, details saved to /home/sdkali/.cache/JetBrains/PyCharmCE2022.1/log/threadDumps-freeze-20220801-024712-PC-221.5921.27-5sec
    Info | RdCoroutineScope | 10:JobScheduler FJ pool 0/2 | RdCoroutineHost overridden
    2022-08-01 02:47:19,779 [ 26167] WARN - #c.i.o.a.i.ActionUpdater - 110 ms to call on EDT CacheRecoveryActionGroup#getChildren (com.intellij.ide.actions.cache.CacheRecoveryActio nGroup). Use `UpdateInBackground`.
    2022-08-01 02:47:19,961 [ 26349] WARN - #c.i.o.a.i.ActionUpdater - 162 ms to call on EDT CopyPathsAction#update (com.intellij.ide.actions.CopyPathsAction). Use `UpdateInBackground`.
    2022-08-01 02:47:24,175 [ 30563] WARN - #c.i.o.a.i.ActionUpdater - 1035 ms to grab EDT for CWMTelephonyGroup#update (com.jetbrains.rd.platform.codeWithMe.telephony.CW MTelephonyGroup)
    2022-08-01 02:47:24,176 [ 30564] WARN - #c.i.o.a.i.ActionUpdater - 102 ms to call on EDT CWMTelephonyGroup#update (com.jetbrains.rd.platform.codeWithMe.telephony.CW MTelephonyGroup). Use `UpdateInBackground`.
    2022-08-01 02:47:25,203 [ 31591] WARN - #c.i.o.a.i.ActionUpdater - 453 ms to call on EDT SpaceMainToolBarAction#update ( tion). Use `UpdateInBackground`.
    2022-08-01 02:47:33,402 [ 39790] WARN - #c.i.d.PerformanceWatcherImpl - UI was frozen for 6530ms, details saved to /home/sdkali/.cache/JetBrains/PyCharmCE2022.1/log/threadDumps-freeze-20220801-024731-PC-221.5921.27-6sec
    2022-08-01 02:47:40,888 [ 47276] WARN - #c.i.d.PerformanceWatcherImpl - UI was frozen for 6182ms, details saved to /home/sdkali/.cache/JetBrains/PyCharmCE2022.1/log/threadDumps-freeze-20220801-024739-PC-221.5921.27-6sec
    2022-08-01 02:47:53,296 [ 59684] WARN - #c.i.o.a.i.ActionUpdater - 5426 ms to grab EDT for OpenFileAction#update (com.intellij.ide.actions.OpenFileAction)
    2022-08-01 02:47:55,802 [ 62190] WARN - #c.i.o.a.i.ActionUpdater - 3230 ms to grab EDT for PyCharmNewProjectAction#update (com.jetbrains.python.newProject.PyCharmNewProject Action)
    2022-08-01 02:47:56,486 [ 62874] WARN - #c.i.o.a.i.ActionUpdater - 5426 ms total to grab EDT 1 times at 'MainToolbar' to expand CustomisedActionGroup (com.intellij.ide.ui.customization.CustomisedActio nGroup). Use `UpdateInBackground`.
    2022-08-01 02:47:56,492 [ 62880] WARN - #c.i.o.a.i.ActionUpdater - 3230 ms total to grab EDT 1 times at 'MainMenu' to expand DefaultActionGroup. Use `UpdateInBackground`.
    2022-08-01 02:48:01,558 [ 67946] WARN - #c.i.o.a.i.ActionUpdater - 302 ms to grab EDT for TabListAction#update (com.intellij.ide.actions.TabListAction)
    2022-08-01 02:48:01,559 [ 67947] WARN - #c.i.o.a.i.ActionUpdater - 202 ms to grab EDT for CodeWithMeUsersAction#update (com.jetbrains.rd.platform.codeWithMe.toolbar.Code WithMeUsersAction)
    2022-08-01 02:48:01,858 [ 68246] WARN - #c.i.o.a.i.ActionUpdater - 146 ms to call on EDT RunConfigurationsComboBoxAction#update (com.intellij.execution.actions.RunConfigurationsC omboBoxAction). Use `UpdateInBackground`.
    2022-08-01 02:48:02,119 [ 68507] WARN - #c.i.o.a.i.ActionUpdater - 113 ms to call on EDT SelectFileAction#update (com.intellij.ide.projectView.impl.SelectFileActio n). Use `UpdateInBackground`.
    2022-08-01 02:48:05,871 [ 72259] WARN - #c.i.o.a.i.ActionUpdater - 257 ms to grab EDT for ToggleUseSoftWrapsInPreviewAction#update (com.intellij.openapi.editor.actions.ToggleUseSoft WrapsInPreviewAction)
    2022-08-01 02:48:07,971 [ 74359] WARN - #c.i.o.a.i.ActionUpdater - 509 ms to grab EDT for DockToolWindowAction#update (com.intellij.openapi.wm.impl.DockToolWindowAction )
    2022-08-01 02:48:11,702 [ 78090] WARN - #c.i.o.a.i.ActionUpdater - 281 ms to grab EDT for GotoRelatedSymbolAction#update (com.intellij.ide.actions.GotoRelatedSymbolAction)
    2022-08-01 02:48:13,693 [ 80081] WARN - #c.i.o.a.i.ActionUpdater - 171 ms to call on EDT StepOverAction#update (com.intellij.xdebugger.impl.actions.StepOverActio n). Use `UpdateInBackground`.
    2022-08-01 02:48:15,357 [ 81745] WARN - #c.i.o.a.i.ActionUpdater - 1167 ms to call on BGT DefaultActionGroup#getChildren (com.intellij.openapi.actionSystem.DefaultActionGr oup)
    2022-08-01 02:48:24,712 [ 91100] WARN - #c.i.o.a.i.ActionUpdater - 8846 ms to call on BGT RunContextAction#update (com.intellij.execution.actions.RunContextAction)
    2022-08-01 02:48:24,712 [ 91100] WARN - #c.i.o.a.i.ActionUpdater - 8852 ms to call on BGT RunContextAction#update (com.intellij.execution.actions.RunContextAction)
    2022-08-01 02:53:05,856 [ 372244] WARN - #c.i.d.PerformanceWatcherImpl - UI was frozen for 12957ms, details saved to /home/sdkali/.cache/JetBrains/PyCharmCE2022.1/log/threadDumps-freeze-20220801-025257-PC-221.5921.27-12sec
    2022-08-01 02:53:05,865 [ 372253] WARN - #c.i.o.a.i.ActionUpdater - 12999 ms to grab EDT for TabListAction#update (com.intellij.ide.actions.TabListAction)
    2022-08-01 02:53:05,866 [ 372254] WARN - #c.i.o.a.i.ActionUpdater - 12998 ms to grab EDT for CWMTelephonyGroup#update (com.jetbrains.rd.platform.codeWithMe.telephony.CW MTelephonyGroup)
    2022-08-01 02:53:05,879 [ 372267] WARN - #c.i.o.a.i.ActionUpdater - 12999 ms total to grab EDT 1 times at 'TabsMoreToolbar' to expand DefaultActionGroup. Use `UpdateInBackground`.
    2022-08-01 02:53:07,025 [ 373413] WARN - #c.i.o.a.i.ActionUpdater - 1078 ms to grab EDT for #getChildren (com.intellij.toolWindow.ToolWindowHeader$1)
    2022-08-01 02:53:07,026 [ 373414] WARN - #c.i.o.a.i.ActionUpdater - 1071 ms to grab EDT for GitCommitWithStagingAreaAction#update (git4idea.index.actions.GitCommitWithStagingAreaAc tion)
    2022-08-01 02:53:07,108 [ 373496] WARN - #c.i.o.a.i.ActionUpdater - 14087 ms total to grab EDT 7 times at 'NavBarToolbar' to expand CustomisedActionGroup (com.intellij.ide.ui.customization.CustomisedActio nGroup). Use `UpdateInBackground`.
    2022-08-01 02:54:19,029 [ 445417] WARN - #c.i.o.a.i.ActionUpdater - 697 ms to grab EDT for StopAction#update (com.intellij.execution.actions.StopAction)

    Any solution??? I am new to doing all these

  2. #2
    Join Date
    If you open software from the terminal, then the software will be closed when the terminal is closed, this is normal behaviour!

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