See picture 1
See picture 2

Here comes the worst part, sigh...
I've encountered an error that said:
The 'grub-efi' package failed to install into /target/. Without the GRUB boot loader, the installed system will not boot.
Don't worry about it, everything has a fix. and I've found it.
Just continue with the installation WITHOUT boot loader until you're done, however, you won't be able to boot Kali because BIOS doesn't recognize GRUB yet (it's not installed...)
See picture

Here's how to fix it:

1. Boot your USB again.

2. Go in Kali Live mode.

3. Connect to internet using Wifi or Local Cable.

4. Type this command in (preparation for installing boot-repair):
apt-get install python-software-properties -y
5. Then create a file "lsb-release" in /etc by typing (preparation for installing boot-repair):
leafpad /etc/lsb-release
put in the following contents:
See picture
then save it and type this command in Terminal to add repository of boot-repair:
add-apt-repository ppa:yannubuntu/boot-repair
then update it:
apt-get update
6. Install boot-repair using this command:
apt-get install boot-repair -y
7. After done installing boot-repair, open it either using Applications menu -> System Tools -> Administration or type this command:
boot-repair &
See picture

8. Choose Advanced Options in boot-repair after it's launched.

9. Leave everything the same, except the Secure Boot in GRUB option (uncheck it).
See picture

10. Click Apply.

11. It'll repair the GRUB (or install it), if it asks anything, just press OK, Yes, Yes.

12. It'll run a while, then a window will pop up, and it asks you to type some commands in Terminal. Just do as it said. (don't press "Forward" yet!)
See picture

13. The Terminal will sometime ask you for some more information, just press "Y" everytime (That's what I did, and I have no idea what it asked for LOL)

14. After everything in the Terminal is done, just press Forward, and let boot-repair run for awhile untill it says "Repaired GRUB successfully" or something like that.
See picture 1
See picture 2

15. Reboot your computer, go to your BIOS now. You'll see the Boot Option of "debian: ..." something... Move it to the top priority.
See picture

16. The Grub now has been fixed. You can customize it if you want. (Please Google it <3). But you'll be able to load your Kali Linux now.
See picture