Quote Originally Posted by barni123 View Post
I have the following problem: when I enter this last command optirun glxspheres64, my screen goes totally black and my nvidia vgas start to run on full speed (vents go on full throttle) and after 20s my laptop shuts down. I suppose my hardware causes the peoblem, I have 3VGAs: the integrated intel hd4400, and 2 nvidia gt750M. I don't want to use SLI, I only want to use one VGA which makes me able to change the kali's resolution to fullhd.
Hi there,

I've been doing some reading on SLI (I have just about the cheapest laptop I could buy so I don't have it) and it requires a little extra configuration in the /etc/bumblebee/xorg.conf.nvidia file.

So, when you run the command:
lspci | grep VGA
You should see two nvidia cards with two BusID. You will need to configure both within the /etc/bumblebee/xorg.conf.nvidia file.

So, within that file, add those BusIDs under the Device section. After that, you need to find the section which includes a bunch of "Option" settings (bottom of the file). Add a new line with:
Option "SLI" "AA"
Read more about it here, it's writen for arch but the config files are the same. https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php...A#Enabling_SLI

Did you use the latest Nvidia 340 drivers or did you install the ones from the first post? If you tried the first post, try the latest drivers.