Just so I can run original and your wifite, I renamed yours wifitemod:

Heres output with new version with pixiewps timeout:
~/wifite-mod-pixiewps-master# ./wifitemod -wps

  .;'                     `;,    
 .;'  ,;'             `;,  `;,   WiFite v2 (r85)
.;'  ,;'  ,;'     `;,  `;,  `;,  
::   ::   :   ( )   :   ::   ::  automated wireless auditor
':.  ':.  ':. /_\ ,:'  ,:'  ,:'  
 ':.  ':.    /___\    ,:'  ,:'   designed for Linux
  ':.       /_____\      ,:'     
           /       \             

modified by aanarchyy([email protected])
Credits to wiire,DataHead,soxrok2212,nxxxu

 [+] targeting WPS-enabled networks

 [+] scanning for wireless devices...
 [+] initializing scan (mon0), updates at 5 sec intervals, CTRL+C when ready.
 [0:00:04] scanning wireless networks. 0 targets and 0 clients found   

 [+] scanning (mon0), updates at 5 sec intervals, CTRL+C when ready.

   NUM ESSID                 CH  ENCR  POWER  WPS?  CLIENT
   --- --------------------  --  ----  -----  ----  ------
    1  DG167****              1  WPA2  36db   Locked 
    2  FiOS-S****             1  WPA2  23db   wps 
    3  SprintGatew****      1  WPA2  21db   wps 

 [0:00:32] scanning wireless networks. 3 targets and 2 clients found   
 [+] checking for WPS compatibility... done
 [+] removed 47 non-WPS-enabled targets

   NUM ESSID                 CH  ENCR  POWER  WPS?  CLIENT
   --- --------------------  --  ----  -----  ----  ------
    1  DG167****              1  WPA2  36db   Locked 
    2  TG167****             11  WPA2  25db   wps 
    3  FiOS-S****             1  WPA2  24db   wps 
    4  TDS                    6  WPA2  22db   wps 
    5  TG167****              1  WPA2  21db   wps 
    6  MiamiHEAT             11  WPA2  20db   wps 
    7  U10C0****             1  WPA   18db   wps 
    8  SprintGate****      1  WPA2  18db   wps 
    9  DIRECT-pm-BR****       1  WPA2  18db   wps 
   10  DG167****              1  WPA2  15db   wps 

 [+] select target numbers (1-10) separated by commas, or 'all': all

 [+] 10 targets selected.

 [0:00:00] initializing PixieWPS attack on DG167**** (...........:73:90)
 [+] E-Nonce found
 [+] PKE hash found
 [+] PKR hash found

 [!] unable to complete successful try in 60 seconds
 [+] skipping pixiewps on DG167****

 [+] Pixiewps attack failed!

 [0:00:00] initializing WPS PIN attack on DG167**** (...........:73:90)
^C0:00:18] WPS attack, 0/0 success/ttl, 
 (^C) WPS brute-force attack interrupted

 [+] 9 targets remain
 [+] what do you want to do?
     [c]ontinue attacking targets
     [e]xit completely
 [+] please make a selection (c, or e): c

 [0:00:00] initializing PixieWPS attack on TG167**** (...........:EC:10)

 [!] unable to complete successful try in 60 seconds
 [+] skipping pixiewps on TG167****

 [+] Pixiewps attack failed!

 [0:00:00] initializing WPS PIN attack on TG167**** (...........:EC:10)
^C0:00:22] WPS attack, 0/0 success/ttl, 
 (^C) WPS brute-force attack interrupted

 [+] 8 targets remain
 [+] what do you want to do?
     [c]ontinue attacking targets
     [e]xit completely
 [+] please make a selection (c, or e): c

 [0:00:00] initializing PixieWPS attack on FiOS-S**** (...........:EC:C2)
 [+] E-Nonce found
 [+] PKE hash found
 [+] PKR hash found
 [+] E-Hash1 found
 [+] E-Hash2 found
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./wifitemod", line 3124, in <module>
  File "./wifitemod", line 321, in main
    need_handshake = not wps_attack(iface, t)
  File "./wifitemod", line 2912, in wps_attack
    line = f.readline()
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'f' referenced before assignment
Timeout for pixie worked. but another error above.
Please make pixie timeout configureable.
also option if pixewps fail, no brutefructe, move to next target.
Please consider because failed attempt locked router
For those wondering what reavers -P option is intended for:

Option (-P) in reaver puts reaver into a loop mode that does not do the  WPS protocol to or past the M4 message to hopefully avoid lockouts. This  is to ONLY be used for PixieHash collecting to use with pixiewps, NOT  to 'online' bruteforce pins.
This option was made with intent of:

----Collecting repetitive hashes for further comparison and or analysis / discovery of new vulnerable chipsets , routers etc..

----Time sensistive attacks where the hash collecting continues repetitively until your time frame is met.

----For scripting purposes of whom want to use a possible lockout preventable way of PixieHash gathering for your Use case.                         
by datahead