.;' `;,
.;' ,;' `;, `;, WiFite v2 (r95)
.;' ,;' ,;' `;, `;, `;,
:: :: : ( ) : :: :: automated wireless auditor
':. ':. ':. /_\ ,:' ,:' ,:'
':. ':. /___\ ,:' ,:' designed for Linux
':. /_____\ ,:'
/ \
usage: [-h] [--check [file]] [--cracked] [--recrack] [-i [wlanN]]
[--mac] [-m [monN]] [--tx [N]] [-l [file]] [-v [file]]
[-s [filters]] [-t [criteria]] [-c [N]] [--power [N]]
[--all] [-r [N]] [--showb] [-2] [-q] [-a [filters]]
[-e [SSID]] [-b [BSSID]] [--wpa] [--wpat [secs]] [--nowpa]
[--wpadt [secs]] [--strip] [--crack CRACK] [--dict [file]]
[--hash [file]] [--recapture] [--aircrack] [--pyrit]
[--tshark] [--cowpatty] [--wep] [--pps [N]] [--wept [secs]]
[--chopchop] [--arpreplay] [--fragment] [--caffelatte]
[--p0841] [--hirte] [--nofakeauth] [--wepca [N]]
[--wepnosave] [--wepsaveiv] [--wps] [--nowps]
[--wpst [secs]] [--wpsratio [ratio]] [--wpsretry [N]]
[--wpssave] [--update] [--debug]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--check [file] Check capfile [file] for handshakes.
--cracked Display previously cracked access points.
--recrack Include already cracked networks in targets.
-i [wlanN] Wireless interface for capturing.
--mac Anonymize MAC address.
-m [monN], --mon-iface [monN]
Interface already in monitor mode.
--tx [N] Set adapter TX power level.
-l [file], --load [file]
Load airodump file instead of scanning.
-v [file], --save [file]
Save airodump file.
-s [filters], --show [filters]
Filter targets in scanning state.Syntax: numbers,
range (e.g. "1-4"), power level (e.g.
"p[>,>=,=,<=,<][POWER]"), channel (e.g.
"c[CHANNEL,range])", wps disabled or enabled (e.g.
"wps0", "wps1"), Cipher (e.g. "wep" or "wpa", "wep[NUM
OF CLIENT]" or "wpa[NUM OF CLIENT]", "wep+" or "wpa+"
for network with clients), ESSID (e.g. "e[ESSID]") or
BSSID (e.g. "b[11:22:33]"). Multiple filters separated
by comma supported. Add "-" or "=" before to remove
-t [criteria], --timeout [criteria]
Criteria to stop scanning state. Numbers = seconds,
e[ESSID][+] or b[BSSID][+]= timeout when target is
found, add "+" at the end means "with clients",
n[>,>=,=,<=,<][num of targets] = timeout when total
targets more/equal/less than certain numbers. Multiple
criteria separated by comma supported.
-c [N], --channel [N]
Filter targets with specific channel in scanning state
(equivalent to "--show c[N]").
--power [N] Filter targets with signal strength > [N] in scanning
state (equivalent to "--show p\>[N]").
--all Attack all targets (equivalent to "--show all --attack
all --timeout 10").
-r [N], --row [N] Max numbers of row to show in scanning state.
--showb Show target BSSIDs in scanning state.
-2, --two Show scanning result in two columns.
-q, --quiet Do not list found networks during scan.
-a [filters], --attack [filters]
Automatically select targets after scanning state,
same syntas as "--show".
-e [SSID], --essid [SSID]
Attack target immediately once ssid (name) is found in
scanning state.
-b [BSSID], --bssid [BSSID]
Attack target immediately once bssid (mac) is found in
scanning state.
--wpa Only show WPA networks in scanning state (works with
--wps --wep, equivalent to "--show wpa --nowps").
--wpat [secs] Time to wait for WPA attack to complete (seconds).
--nowpa Disable WPA handshake attack.
--wpadt [secs] Time to wait between sending deauth packets (seconds).
--strip Strip handshake using tshark or pyrit.
--crack CRACK Crack WPA handshakes using dict/hash file. (0 =
disable , 1 = aircrack, 2 = pyrit, 3 = cowpatty)
--dict [file] Specify dictionary to be used when cracking WPA.
--hash [file] Specify precomputed hash to be used when cracking WPA.
--recapture Recapture handshake even if the cap file exists.
--aircrack Verify handshake using aircrack.
--pyrit Verify handshake using pyrit.
--tshark Verify handshake using tshark.
--cowpatty Verify handshake using cowpatty.
--wep Only show WEP networks in scanning state (equivalent
to "--show wep").
--pps [N] Set the number of packets per second to inject.
--wept [secs] Max time for each attack, 0 implies endless.
--chopchop Use chopchop attack.
--arpreplay Use arpreplay attack.
--fragment Use fragmentation attack.
--caffelatte Use caffe-latte attack.
--p0841 Use P0842 attack.
--hirte Use hirte attack.
--nofakeauth Stop attack if fake authentication fails.
--wepca [N] Start cracking when number of IVs surpass [n].
--wepnosave Dont save the captured IVs to "wep" folder in current
working directory.
--wepsaveiv Save the captured IVs in form of .ivs to "wep" folder
in current working directory. (.ivs is smaller than
.cap but NOT compatible with old aircrack-ng)
--wps Only show WPS networks in scanning state (equivalent
to "--show wps --nowpa").
--nowps Disable WPS PIN Attack.
--wpst [secs] Max wait for new retry before giving up (0: never).
--wpsratio [ratio] Min ratio of successful PIN attempts/total retries.
--wpsretry [N] Max number of retries for same PIN before giving up.
--wpssave Save progress of WPS PIN attack to "wps" subfolder in
current folder.
--update Check and update Wifite.
--debug Print lots of debug information.
Some cool featuers: