I have a questionto OP of this post
for this only question I made this account ... so please I will be needing a helping hand here..
while i was in make process of Cuda Tools 7.5 i notice some warning... im pasting them here ... rest all worked well .. please review and let me know what I should do inorder not to get these warnings
Im using Kali Sana 2.0
My Specs are
CPU : Intel i7 4770k
RAM : 16GB

Warning I am receiving during cuda make process

WARNING - libGL.so not found, refer to CUDA Getting Started Guide for how to find and install them.
<<< >>> WARNING - libGLU.so not found, refer to CUDA Getting Started Guide for how to find and install them.
<<< >>> WARNING - libX11.so not found, refer to CUDA Getting Started Guide for how to find and install them.