I am using a Dell M6500 laptop with a Broadcom
chipset (BCM2046B1) for Bluetooth. Use of various
tools and apps have raised questions which seem
to elude me and hopefully someone can clarify.
Following bootup of the device I use 'hciconfig'
to check the device's state. It reports back
with the correct bd_addr and reports the Name
of the device is 'Dell Wireless 365 Bluetooth
This seems strange as per info found on various
websites, the name assigned to the Bluetooth
Device is supposed to be the 'hostname'
which in my case is 'schlittenfahrt'.
During the search for clarification it was noticed
that there is a Bluetooth Device Name and Blue-
tooth Alias. Supposedly the alias is used locally
and the name is broadcast.
Using hciconfig I can change the device Name
being reported by hciconfig. 'btmon' running in
another terminal dutifully parrots the output
from running hciconfig to change the name.
So initially it seemed the info on the internet was
in error.
Now when running 'bluetoothctl' the world gets
really interesting. btmon again dutifully reports.
It reports the NAME of the device is changed to
BlueZ 5.23. bluetoothctl however reports that
the 'ALIAS" has been changed to BlueZ 5.23.
Then bluetoothctl goes on to report that the
'NAME' has been changed to 'schlittenfahrt'.
I have no clue at this point who is doing what
to whose cow for how much money.
Does anyone know:
1 Does the Bluetooth device have a "Name" and
an "ALIAS"?
2 If so how does one locate the "Name" and
"Alias" and know the returns are reliable?
3 Is anyone aware of where in the Bluetooth
spec the device name and alias are clearly