Quote Originally Posted by Jay View Post
I must say I really like the new interface and the move to debian. It feels snappy and it looks sleek. That being said
- Personally, I don't like the fact that all the tools have moved from /pentest/whatever. It's especially confusing when you want to configure a tool or wanna play with it more. Having each tool in its own nicely structure directory (and directory tree) made it oh so much easier to work with everything (especially if you're not a mouse fan)
- am I missing something or why does it seem like metasploit isn't updating from git anymore ?
I could not agree with you more. While I love majority of everything in Kali Linux, I am a little bothered by having everything inside of /usr/share directory. While pentesting, it was pretty convenient to navigate to something such as /pentest/enumeration/snmp and just look at all the available CLI SNMP tools there as opposed to having to browse to it by the GUI.

Aside from that, I think the only small difference was that terminator (a customizable gnome terminal providing features such as splitting horizontally, vertically, etc.) didn't appear to display fonts properly. Not sure if this is just something with display driver compatibility or what, but now I'm using the regular gnome terminal because of this.

I'm finding that I'm continuously trying to find a lab to work on just so I can use Kali Linux a bit more. Haha.