In my opinion, Kali 2019.2 may not be compatible with nvidia driver. I also encountered a similar issue recently.

In my case the kernel module failed to start after I performed a dist-upgrade:
I was learning Blender 3D and needed to reload a startup file, it simply froze. I shut it down and tried to launch without success. Launching in terminal revealed an OpenGL error. I upgraded just to be sure everything was correct only to get stuck in a reboot with a failed to load kernel module error.
Since this happened after a recent nvidia update, I was able to resolve it by purging nvidia and then rebooting. 👇

Enter into terminal by hitting Ctrl + Alt + F3/F2
Enter your login details in the prompt
=> apt remove --purge nvidia*
=> apt autoremove
=> rm - rf /etc/X11/xorg.conf (this was to resolve an X11 error that I also noticed
=> reboot

I hope this works for you.
You should be able to load kernel module on reboot.