First of all, I would like to thank staticn0de for starting this thread. Optimus users should stick with this thread. Also thanks to Quest for his solutions that kept this thread up-to-date.

Users, I see a lot of posts regarding failed installation and errors. Let me clarify few things
  1. Mix-matching NVIDIA repo driver and NVIDIA site driver will BREAK your GUI and in most cases you will end up reinstalling.
  2. I've added a new guide for Kali Linux 1.1.0 kernel 3.18. This guide also works fine on a new installation. Again do not mix match 2 sets of drivers.
  3. If GPU processing is what you're after, perhaps Debian/Kali is not the best distro (incoming flame! )
  4. Both guides will work flawlessly in new installation where users didn't muck around with Display drivers. Choose one and stick with it.

Btw, staticn0de why VirtualGL?
I thought it only helps to run OpenGL applications with full 3D hardware acceleration remotely! So if I am only after GPU processing, I don't need it. If I want to run an application with 3D acceleration movie at work (hmm, I shouldn't) over vnc from my home PC, then I go install it? Right?