root@kali:~/wifite-mod-pixiewps-master# ./wifitemod -ponly -pixiet 45

  .;'                     `;,    
 .;'  ,;'             `;,  `;,   WiFite v2 (r86)
.;'  ,;'  ,;'     `;,  `;,  `;,  
::   ::   :   ( )   :   ::   ::  automated wireless auditor
':.  ':.  ':. /_\ ,:'  ,:'  ,:'  
 ':.  ':.    /___\    ,:'  ,:'   designed for Linux
  ':.       /_____\      ,:'     
           /       \             

modified by aanarchyy([email protected])
Credits to wiire,DataHead,soxrok2212,nxxxu

 [+] Pixiewps attack only enabled
 [+] pixie attack timeout set to 45 seconds

 [+] scanning for wireless devices...
 [+] initializing scan (mon0), updates at 5 sec intervals, CTRL+C when ready.
 [0:00:04] scanning wireless networks. 0 targets and 0 clients found   

 [+] scanning (mon0), updates at 5 sec intervals, CTRL+C when ready.

   NUM ESSID                 CH  ENCR  POWER  WPS?  CLIENT
   --- --------------------  --  ----  -----  ----  ------
    1  \x00\x00\x001000   6  WPA2  65db   wps 
    2  b0c554a1000           1  WPA2  64db   wps 
    3  DVW32011000             1  WPA2  56db   wps 
    4  atlantis201000       10  WPA2  53db   wps 
    5  WileyR1000            10  WPA2  52db   wps 
    6  DVW321000             1  WPA2  51db   wps 
    7  133 1000  1000             6  WPA2  51db   Locked 
    8  Onyx1100023                1  WPA2  50db   wps 
    9  TommyA1000            6  WPA2  50db   wps 
   10  Kirin1000              1  WPA2  49db   wps 
   11  DG16701000             11  WPA2  48db   wps 
   12  We hear y1000  6  WPA2  48db   wps 
   13  \x00\x00\1000       11  WPA2  47db   wps 
   14  DG11000             11  WPA2  46db   wps 
   15  DG11000              1  WPA2  45db   Locked 
   16  Tuppy Gl1000          6  WPA2  45db   Locked 
   17  lind1000          11  WPA2  44db   wps 
   18  DG11000              1  WPA2  40db   Locked 

 [0:00:06] scanning wireless networks. 18 targets and 3 clients found   

 [+] scanning (mon0), updates at 5 sec intervals, CTRL+C when ready.

   NUM ESSID                 CH  ENCR  POWER  WPS?  CLIENT
   --- --------------------  --  ----  -----  ----  ------
    1  \x00\x00\x001000   6  WPA2  65db   wps 
    2  b0c554a1000           1  WPA2  64db   wps 
    3  DVW32011000             1  WPA2  56db   wps 
    4  atlantis201000       10  WPA2  53db   wps 
    5  WileyR1000            10  WPA2  52db   wps 
    6  DVW321000             1  WPA2  51db   wps 
    7  133 1000  1000             6  WPA2  51db   Locked 
    8  Onyx1100023                1  WPA2  50db   wps 
    9  TommyA1000            6  WPA2  50db   wps 
   10  Kirin1000              1  WPA2  49db   wps 
   11  DG16701000             11  WPA2  48db   wps 
   12  We hear y1000  6  WPA2  48db   wps 
   13  \x00\x00\1000       11  WPA2  47db   wps 
   14  DG11000             11  WPA2  46db   wps 
   15  DG11000              1  WPA2  45db   Locked 
   16  Tuppy Gl1000          6  WPA2  45db   Locked 
   17  lind1000          11  WPA2  44db   wps 
   18  DG11000              1  WPA2  40db   Locked 

 [0:00:21] scanning wireless networks. 18 targets and 3 clients found   

 [+] scanning (mon0), updates at 5 sec intervals, CTRL+C when ready.

   NUM ESSID                 CH  ENCR  POWER  WPS?  CLIENT
   --- --------------------  --  ----  -----  ----  ------
    1  \x00\x00\x001000   6  WPA2  65db   wps 
    2  b0c554a1000           1  WPA2  64db   wps 
    3  DVW32011000             1  WPA2  56db   wps 
    4  atlantis201000       10  WPA2  53db   wps 
    5  WileyR1000            10  WPA2  52db   wps 
    6  DVW321000             1  WPA2  51db   wps 
    7  133 1000  1000             6  WPA2  51db   Locked 
    8  Onyx1100023                1  WPA2  50db   wps 
    9  TommyA1000            6  WPA2  50db   wps 
   10  Kirin1000              1  WPA2  49db   wps 
   11  DG16701000             11  WPA2  48db   wps 
   12  We hear y1000  6  WPA2  48db   wps 
   13  \x00\x00\1000       11  WPA2  47db   wps 
   14  DG11000             11  WPA2  46db   wps 
   15  DG11000              1  WPA2  45db   Locked 
   16  Tuppy Gl1000          6  WPA2  45db   Locked 
   17  lind1000          11  WPA2  44db   wps 
   18  DG11000              1  WPA2  40db   Locked 
   19  linda1000           11  WPA2  45db   wps 
   20  \x00\x00\x00\x00\...  11  WPA2  45db   wps 
   21  ZOOM                   6  WPA2  44db   wps 
   22  DG1671000              1  WPA2  41db   Locked 
   23  McPo1000               6  WPA2  40db   wps 
   24  DG1671000              1  WPA2  40db   Locked 

 [0:00:29] scanning wireless networks. 24 targets and 14 clients found   
 [+] checking for WPS compatibility... done
 [+] removed 35 non-WPS-enabled target

   NUM ESSID                 CH  ENCR  POWER  WPS?  CLIENT
   --- --------------------  --  ----  -----  ----  ------
    1  \x00\x00\x001000   6  WPA2  65db   wps 
    2  b0c554a1000           1  WPA2  64db   wps 
    3  DVW32011000             1  WPA2  56db   wps 
    4  atlantis201000       10  WPA2  53db   wps 
    5  WileyR1000            10  WPA2  52db   wps 
    6  DVW321000             1  WPA2  51db   wps 
    7  133 1000  1000             6  WPA2  51db   Locked 
    8  Onyx1100023                1  WPA2  50db   wps 
    9  TommyA1000            6  WPA2  50db   wps 
   10  Kirin1000              1  WPA2  49db   wps 
   11  DG16701000             11  WPA2  48db   wps 
   12  We hear y1000  6  WPA2  48db   wps 
   13  \x00\x00\1000       11  WPA2  47db   wps 
   14  DG11000             11  WPA2  46db   wps 
   15  DG11000              1  WPA2  45db   Locked 
   16  Tuppy Gl1000          6  WPA2  45db   Locked 
   17  lind1000          11  WPA2  44db   wps 
   18  DG11000              1  WPA2  40db   Locked 
   19  linda1000           11  WPA2  45db   wps 
   20  \x00\x00\x00\x00\...  11  WPA2  45db   wps 
   21  ZOOM                   6  WPA2  44db   wps 
   22  DG1671000              1  WPA2  41db   Locked 
   23  McPo1000               6  WPA2  40db   wps 
   24  DG1671000              1  WPA2  40db   Locked 
   25  McP1000               6  WPA2  42db   wps   client
   26  DG1671000              1  WPA2  42db   Locked 
   27  DG1671000              1  WPA2  41db   Locked 
   28  TG1671000              6  WPA2  40db   wps 
   29  THWL9                  1  WPA2  38db   wps 

 [+] select target numbers (1-29) separated by commas, or 'all': all

 [+] 29 targets selected.

 [0:00:00] initializing PixieWPS attack on \x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x 1000:79:0F)

 [!] unable to complete successful try in 45 seconds
 [+] skipping pixiewps on \x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x

 [!] unable to complete successful try in 45 seconds
 [+] skipping pixiewps on \x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x

 [!] unable to complete successful try in 45 seconds
 [+] skipping pixiewps on \x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x

 [!] unable to complete successful try in 45 seconds
 [+] skipping pixiewps on \x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x

 [!] unable to complete successful try in 45 seconds
 [+] skipping pixiewps on \x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x

 [!] unable to complete successful try in 45 seconds
 [+] skipping pixiewps on \x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x

 [!] unable to complete successful try in 45 seconds
 [+] skipping pixiewps on \x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x

 [!] unable to complete successful try in 45 seconds
 [+] skipping pixiewps on \x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x
 (^C) WPS brute-force attack interrupted

 [+] 28 targets remain
 [+] what do you want to do?
     [c]ontinue attacking targets
     [e]xit completely
 [+] please make a selection (c, or e): c

 (^C) WPS brute-force attack interrupted

 [+] 27 targets remain
 [+] what do you want to do?
     [c]ontinue attacking targets
     [e]xit completely
 [+] please make a selection (c, or e): c

 [+] Pixiewps attack failed!

 [0:00:00] initializing PixieWPS attack on b0c554a1000 (1000:A7:86)

 [!] unable to complete successful try in 45 seconds
 [+] skipping pixiewps on b0c554a1000

 [!] unable to complete successful try in 45 seconds
 [+] skipping pixiewps on b0c554a1000

 [!] unable to complete successful try in 45 seconds
 [+] skipping pixiewps on b0c554a1000

 [!] unable to complete successful try in 45 seconds
 [+] skipping pixiewps on b0c554a1000

 [!] unable to complete successful try in 45 seconds
 [+] skipping pixiewps on b0c554a1000
 (^C) WPS brute-force attack interrupted

 [+] 26 targets remain
 [+] what do you want to do?
     [c]ontinue attacking targets
     [e]xit completely
 [+] please make a selection (c, or e): ^C
 (^C) WPS brute-force attack interrupted

 [+] 26 targets remain
 [+] what do you want to do?
     [c]ontinue attacking targets
     [e]xit completely
 [+] please make a selection (c, or e): ^CTraceback (most recent call last):
  File "./wifitemod", line 3150, in <module>
    if attack_interrupted_prompt():
  File "./wifitemod", line 1801, in attack_interrupted_prompt
    ri = raw_input(GR+' [+]'+W+' please make a selection (%s): ' % options)
Stuck in loop after pixie attack fails