Hi Static! Whenever you have time for another deb it would be appreciated

This version 1.36 is a wild mix of nice updates Smile

Still, all oclHashcat versions back to 1.33 share the same driver dependencies for AMD. If you have a running oclHashcat v1.33 or newer then v1.36 will work, too, without a driver update.

Most important changes:

Added new hash mode -m 11300 = Bitcoin/Litecoin wallet.dat
Added new hash mode -m 11600 = 7-Zip
Fixed a bug in NVidia multihash kernels: MD5, NTLM, IPB2
The parameters --show / --left do work with both halves of LM hashes (if they were 32 hex chars long)
Optimized final round flushing (reduces time at last percents of progress with slower speed)
Optimized rejection handling (for example passwords > 8 if cracking DEScrypt or < 8 if cracking WPA/WPA2, etc)
The speed in status display is no longer divide by the number of uncracked salts
ps: funny how your ticket about cudahashcat never got addressed. I wonder what's up with that