Quote Originally Posted by mmusket33 View Post
After dealing with the vagaries of sticky and unresponsive routers, Musket Teams have expanded the functions in varmacreaver in an effort to improve WPS pin harvesting.

The following has been added to the existing program:

1. The ability to send a short deauthorization burst prior to starting a reaver attack cycle. We have found routers which were initially unresponsive to reaver request for keys, began to respond when deauthenticated.

2. Assigning a specific mac address. In some cases if a client is seen associated to the target router which has been unresponsive, spoofing the mac address of the client results in WPS pin harvesting.

3. Running an aireplay-ng fake authentication in parrellel with reaver to help stimulate router response.

4. Running Airodump-ng to improve monitoring of the attack.

5. Installing a countdown timer to main attack page to allow fine tuning of the -r x:y command and adjusting attack cycle length.

You can download varmacreaver1A.sh at:


Musket Teams A and D
Thank you Musket!