Musket Teams feel the program autoreaver is a significant step forward in defeating attempts by programers to block reaver thru alterations in the routers firmware.

We are slowly working thu this program. The first major obstacle we encountered was getting the washAutoReaverList program to write the list. We think the problem is in the awk portion of the command string as we only got the program to write the list once. Rather then spend time debugging,we used the following simple solution as follows:

cd auto-reaver
./wash > myAPTargets

Now go to the exampleAPList. Rewrite the myAPTargets so that it matches to format in the exampleAPlist file. You can also remove targets you do not want to crack.

In closing when consulting the google help file some of the file names referenced in the help file donot match actual file names found in the folder.

We are still working thru the possibilies available in this nice script.