Quote Originally Posted by nuroo View Post
Just the Belkin pin Attack

Should I try other pins after I try unlocking the router?
whats the correct reaver command after pin found?

It generates 3 pin

This is because of the following.

Not to know what the Mac that the router is using to generate the pin.

So first it generates the pin for the BSSID used.

After it generates the pin for the BSSID + 1, which is the MAC added +1 on the last value, that is why many routers Mac is sequential.


mac lan 00: 00: 00: 00: 00: 05
Wlan1 00: 00: 00: 00: 00: 06

But some models the wlan1 is the main mac and mac lan is the next, so as not to be sure of, is generated pin for Mac, Mac +1 and -1 Mac

But of course you can have models that do not follow this rule, but all looked so far followed, some were the following mac and other previous mac

Now with relation to the loop, missed the -vv option to really know what was going on, but I believe the pin gen generated not the correct pin and he was in the same loop trying to pin up the router go into lock.

So far found only one router that the pin gen managed to generate correctly.