To Troll

As we indicate in the help files, this approach works with a small subset of routers. The tests for effectiveness are outlined there. You probably have done nothing wrong.

The VMR-MDK approach is not meant to actually reset the router. In fact short bursts of mdk3 combinations 15 to 30 sec in length seems to work better then subjecting the router to long exposure to mdk3.

There are other paths you can take. Try our varmacscan2-8. It it a robotic script. Just start it before you leave your computer and let it run. Everything is automatic. If you are using 2016 you will have to wait a few days. We have a working lab variant being currently tested. If there are no major bugs it will be out in a week.

You can try ReVdk3 We have no experience with this script and are unsure if it works with kali 2.0 or 2016.

Musket Teams