Dear Mark,

The fact that you have gotten 15% of the pins tells us the router is vulnerable to this approach. You have probably just locked up the firmware so stop the attack and try again 24 hours later. Once you start collecting pins again increase the pause/wash scan time so that you give the router more time to recover. Reduce the DDOS/MDK3 time to the bare minimum necessary to collect pins. Set the retest first pin to 50.

Try the attack once a day till pin collection starts again.

Keep in mind that this attack approach takes time and is slow. Do not try and rush the attack or overwhelm the firmware thru long doses of DDOS/MDK3. Usually a short burst of DDOS 15 to 20 sec works better. You will have to find the right mix respect to time of reaver, DDOS and pause to keep pin harvesting progressing. Each router even the same make/model and firmware reacts differently. This is why a config file is used. You can change the setting and test while the program is running
